Call to Order/Roll Call
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of the minutes of the Regular meeting of November 7, 2017.
Minutes 3
Proclamation: Eric Hima Day.
Ceremonial Presentations 4a
Consent Calendar
Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Sole Source Purchase Agreement with Flo-Systems, Inc. in the Amount of $58,639 for a Pump and Motor for the Parker Pump Station.
Consent Calendar 5f
Communications - Oral
Report to the City Council on Police Department Enforcement.
City Manager 7a
Public Hearing: Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Two-Lot Tentative Parcel Map for the Property Addressed as 1109 F Avenue Located in the R-1A (Single-Family Residential) Zone (PC 2017-10).
Public Hearings 8a
Public Hearing: Adoption of a Resolution Approving a One-Lot Tentative Parcel Map to Allow for Condominium Ownership of Two Residential Units for the Property Addressed as 853 C Avenue in the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone (PC 2017-11).
Public Hearings 8b
Public Hearing: Approve a Reduction to the Business License Tax by Suspending Title 12 of the Coronado Municipal Code; Introduce an Ordinance Adding Title 13, Business Certificates, to the Coronado Municipal Code; Adopt a Resolution Establishing a Business Certificate Annual Fee of $25; and Delegate the Administration of the Business Certificate Program to the City Manager.
Public Hearings 8c
Consideration of a Request by LimeBike for a Business Operations Permit for use of the Public Rights-of-Way to Operate a Dockless Bicycle Share Program. (Pg 231)
City Council Business 10b
Consideration of Appointment of One New Member to the Planning Commission.
City Council Business 10d
Consider the Means to Develop a Comprehensive Policy and Implementation Plan for Coronado’s Community Grant Program.
City Council Business 10i
Review Existing Regulations and Requirements for Basement Construction and Provide Direction.
City Council Business 10j
Direct the City Manager to Develop a Scope of Work for the Development of a Climate Action Plan (CAP).
City Council Business 10k