Call to Order/Roll Call
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of the minutes of the Regular meeting of February 4, 2014.
Minutes 3
Consent Calendar
Accept the Cultural Arts Commission’s Annual Report and Work Plan.
Consent Calendar 5d
Authorization to Advertise the Pomona, Seventh, and Adella Intersection Improvement (Roundabout) Project for Bid.
Consent Calendar 5k
Communications - Oral
Consideration of Appointment to Fill Four Vacancies on the Transportation Commission and Consideration of Waiving Municipal Code Section 2.74.020(C) that One Member Should be a Resident of the Coronado Shores Development.
City Council Business 11c
Consideration of Appointment to Fill One Vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Commission.
City Council Business 11d
Communications - Oral
Public Hearing: Introduction of “An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Address Required Implementation Programs for the City’s Certified 2013-2021 Housing Element to Include (1) Emergency Shelters in the Commercial Zone; (2) Transitional and Supportive Housing in all Residential Zones; (3) Large Residential Care Facilities and Single-Room Occupancy Units with a Major Special Use Permit in the R-4 (Multiple Family) Residential Zone; and (4) Definitions for Large Residential Care Facilities, Single-Room Occupancy Units, Supportive Housing, and Modifications to Transitional Housing Definition. The Following Chapters will be Amended to Achieve the Changes Summarized Above: 86.04, 86.08, 86.09, 86.10, 86.14, 86.18, and 86.55, of Title 86; and Amending Chapters IV and V of the Orange Avenue Corridor Specific Plan” (PC 2013-06: City of Coronado).
Public Hearings 8a
Report from the Port Commissioner Concerning Port Activities
Commission and Committee Reports 10a
Introduction of "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Coronado, California, Amending Section 48.04.120 of Chapter 48.04 of Title 48 of the Coronado Municipal Code Regarding Waste, Refuse and Fires on Public Beaches."
City Council Business 11e
Introduction of “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Coronado, California, Amending Section 1.12.010 of Chapter 1.12 of Title 1 of the Municipal Code Regarding the Scope of Appeals to the City Council.”
City Council Business 11f
Update on 2014 Citizen Satisfaction Survey and Draft Policy Questions.
City Council Business 11g
Provide Direction and Approve Changes to the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Budget at Mid-Year.
City Council Business 11h