Call to Order/Roll Call
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of the minutes of the Regular meeting of April 3, 2018
Minutes 3
Proclamation: National Volunteer Week.
Ceremonial Presentations 4a
Consent Calendar
Communications - Oral
Report from San Diego County South Area Cities’ Representative to the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Commission and Committee Reports 9a
Public Hearing: Appeal of the Decision of the Historic Resource Commission on March 21, 2018, that the Residence Located at 1405 Tenth Street and Located in the R-1A (Single Family Residential) Zone Meets the Criterion to be Designated as a Historic Resource in Accordance with Chapter 84.20 of the Coronado Municipal Code (NOI 2018-03).
Public Hearings 8a
Public Hearing: Introduction of “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Coronado Reauthorizing the One Percent Public Educational and Government (PEG) Fee for State Video Franchise Holders Operating within the Boundaries of the City and Amending Chapter 52.44.020 of Title 52 of the Coronado Municipal Code to Provide for Automatic Reauthorization of the PEG Fee.”
Public Hearings 8b
Approval of the Annual Report/Management Plan from the Coronado Tourism Improvement District (CTID) Advisory Board and Adoption of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coronado Declaring Its Intent to Continue to Levy Two One-Half Percent (0.5%) Assessments on Four Hotel Businesses within CTID I and CTID II During Fiscal Year 2018-19.
City Council Business 10b
Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Schmidt Design Group to Complete the Design of the Second and Orange Parklets Project and Direct that the FY 2018-19 Budget Include $250,000 for Design and Construction.
City Council Business 10c
Council Reports on Inter-Agency Committee and Board Assignments
City Council Business 10a